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A Writer's Prayer

Scripture Reference: 2 Peter 1:10

Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

Father God,

Sometimes we feel our words go unnoticed. that are writings are overlooked in the grand scheme of things. Some of us struggle to come up with fresh new perspectives for our articles, devotionals and blog posts that will be inspiring and encouraging to the reader.

Help us to keep the focus where the focus need to be...To bring you Glory. Help us to always keep our minds on things above. As we will not stumble when our minds are stayed on you.

Father, when those feelings of loneliness, melancholy or depression seem to overtake the presence of joy, peace, comfort and contentment, as orators and writers, may we always recall and mediate on your promises in Your Word.

Father, thank you for giving us the power to cast down imaginations, high things that exalt themselves up against the knowledge of who you are...We can bring them into captivity, every thought to the obedience of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

Father God, the calling and gift of writing is a privilege, helping to build up the Body of Christ. Although not always an easy journey to trend, we accept it with an open, honest and sincere heart.

Thank you Father for always hearing our prayers. We give you thanks for the Holy One that You are. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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