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Small Beginnings Makes Way for Great Things

Small Beginnings Makes Way for Great Things. Columnist Deborah E. Nyamekye

Note: This is part of Psalm 8 “God is mindful of man” Teaching Series: Creator God & His Mindfulness of Humanity including their Interpersonal Relationships. Meaning? He works to restore their relationship with Him through Christ which inevitably and simultaneously includes working for unity, love & peace with one another (John 17:21). Being restored in the image of God as we were created through Christ includes relating to people in the way God requires us to. How can we say we love God who we cannot see if we hate our brother (another person) who we can see (1 John 4:20)


Feeling small in your own eyes, unsure or insecure in regards to your ability to excel?

Well it’s time for a mindset change because the God who created you created you with the potential to excel for you have a calling (everyone does) which is declared ready to breakout and advance when you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Even if you do not feel “small in your own eyes”, it is important to receive assurance from time to time by being reminded of God’s ability to give us supernatural strength and wisdom by his power to stay joyful and encouraged in a world that is full of discouragement and affliction.

If you are not a Christian this inspirational teaching or exhortation is also for you as it will reveal to you that through accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, God is able to take you as he did Jesus from humble beginnings or small works for his sake to a place of doing more so as to glorify Him and His kingdom even more.

With Jesus as our greatest example, we can rest assured, if we stay abiding in God, that there is no affliction we cannot overcome nor any great feat we cannot accomplish.

If you think you are from humble beginnings and therefore because of that God cannot use you for anything let alone great things, then think again!

From the Gospels we see that Jesus Christ is our greatest example of one who came from a humble background and trained to be a carpenter in his youth, yet he had great wisdom and was able to debate in the synagogue with religious leaders.

God came into the world in the person of Jesus Christ in a way that the Jewish leaders were not expecting for they expected a Messiah to appear as a notable figure who would help them defeat Roman Empire dominion.

Instead he came into the world as a “nobody” in the eyes of the unbelieving Jews. Yes he was from the Royal line of David as we read of Joseph’s genealogy but his parents were not conspicuous figures and he was born in a manger! In fact he chose to live in Nazareth for a while which appeared not to have had a good reputation, for it was said of it “can anything good come out of Nazareth?” as spoken by Nathaniel (John 1:46).

Perhaps people have said that about your family, locality or nation but have you thought that you were chosen to be from among them because God wants to use you and so surprise the world that indeed someone worthy can come out of such a place?

Jean Francois Champollion had such a passion for ancient languages, he eventually solved a mystery that none of the world’s great scholars had been able to solve which was deciphering the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt. Where was this man from? A small inconspicuous town called Figeac in south west France.

God is not a respecter of persons. He will not decide to choose someone to anoint or use for great works based on what nation, race, social or economic class status they are a part of which are deemed respectable or preferable in the eyes of man.

Who can instruct God? He chooses who He chooses, for instance in Old Testament scriptures we read how God chose Jacob over Esau his brother and Ephraim over Manasseh his brother to impart the blessings of the first born child although Esau and Manasseh were the oldest sons. It may not make sense but He is God and does as He pleases, His ways are higher than those of man although they may be foolish to man.

If you are a believer who has a habit of putting yourself down which includes your God given abilities, I say it is time for change!

The size of your talents, gifts, anointing or capabilities may be small in your own eyes but God does not rate them the way you do. If Jesus says a mustard seed sized faith can move mountains, likewise a mustard seed anointing or gift so to speak can do the same. Is the faith in God and anointing or capability for service not from the same source?

Be reminded that how we see things are not as He sees them, so it is time we took stock so as to enter into a new season of life where we see as God does. The question we should be asking ourselves is, whose spiritual “lenses” or “hearing aid” do we have on? By “lenses” or “hearing aid” I mean perception which is defined as “the ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses” however in this context the question is who has control over our senses ? Is it God ourselves and/or the devil? The sanctification process involves our senses coming under God’s control so that what we see, hear and become aware of are understood from God’s perspective or outlook because our senses are sanctified.

The spiritual “lenses” or “hearing aid” (perception) with the tagline “I can achieve great things” are from God of course, and enables you to see yourself as a mighty man or woman of valor as Gideon (see Judges 6) was. Gideon also had to come to the place where he saw himself as God saw him before he could be used mightily by God.

Often times even as born again believers, we still have the “I am small in my own eyes” perception. This can be a constant attitude or when something major happens to bring discouragement.

Some of the reasons why such debasing self perception takes place and affects our Christian walk are:

1. How we were made to see ourselves as children by family members or peers.

2. The result of a particularly traumatic experience which affected us to the point that we lost our confidence in one or more areas.

3. The habit of looking at other people and allowing the enemy to cause us to think that who they are in terms of their appearance, social standing, popularity riches etc…means they are more worthy or better than who we are.

The bible says we are heirs of the kingdom of God which Jesus (Matthew 13:45-46) compared to a pearl of great price found in a field by a merchant who so wanted it that he sold all he had and bought the whole field! Goodness ! Just reflect on the magnitude of your preciousness to God through Jesus Christ as a member of the “pearl of great price” kingdom of God!

God values us as he does Jerusalem and will not relent until your “brightness” or who you are predefined to be, by him comes forth (Is. 62:1) and you are as a crown of glory and a royal diadem in His hand (Is. 62:3). The Lord can impress such scriptures on our hearts when he wants to comfort or encourage us as is my personal testimony.

As a believer in Jesus, you are His workmanship through Jesus Christ and therefore anointed for service. If you don’t know already seek God in prayer as to what exactly he has called you to partake of in church and the community for His glory. Everyone who is God’s through Christ Jesus has a part to play in the Body of Christ, without your active service something vital and therefore important to God will not get done.

Dear Father

We ask for forgive if we have placed limitations on what you can do in and through us.

As we abide in you LORD, our desire is to do your will and so to fulfill your calling on our lives. We therefore ask today that you would do a deep work in us daily so that our spiritual “lenses” and “hearing aid” are cleansed. In this way we are able to see, hear and become aware of things from your standpoint especially how we perceive ourselves. We thank you for the Holy Spirit who indwells us and reminds us daily of Jesus’ teachings and communicates your will to us. Help us to live a life in the Spirit so that we partner with you for the fulfillment of all that you are doing in our lives.

In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

You are blessed, determine to stay blessed.

©Deborah E.Nyamekye 24/11/2015


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