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A Seed Within A Seed

A Seed Within A Seed. Columnist Shira Garnett

Children are an heritage of the Lord. They are sprung from the fruit of our seed, within a seed. That "Seed" God has purposed for us to, nourish, prune, teach and most importantly, to Love. Children bring life to the world. First born, tears, smiles, laughter and unspeakable joy resonates the delivery room, as their presence is usher into the world.

High hopes of expectation fill the hearts of those surrounded, "A better me" we exclaim, declaring more grace, more favor, more blessings. A brighter future, greater opportunities, a promise and a hope, exceeding our very own prior born reality.

She will grow up to be...He will be the first to...High Hopes indeed, is our declaration of the celebration of life. Yes, we declare, decree and announce total sovereignty over and for the miraculous nativity only a supreme existence could conjure and summons.

Only the Lord can give this very heritage. Only the Lord will sustain the very same!

May we continue to respect, protect, teach, admonish and gracefully raise these entrusted seeds with all diligence and care. Blessings to all and Always Stay Encouraged!

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