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Forgiveness: The Countdown to surrender.

Forgiveness: The Countdown to surrender. Columnist Shira Garnett

How do we get pass the struggles of hurt, betrayal and offense?

Let's be honest, it's not easy to instantaneously forgive and forget, yet, it's a must. Holding on to offenses and unforgiveness is a heavy burden to carry. So much so, if we don't deal with such, we'll carry those struggles around with us, to our very own demise.

Crippling our spiritual consciousness, it chokes the life right out of us.

Our hurts, pains and resentments will show in how we effectively communicate. Critical in our conversations. Feelings of paranoia haunt each interaction we have with others, especially to those who we may interact with for the very first time.

New friends, new acquaintances hit the brick wall of resentment, mistrust and bitterness that we have built - shielding hopes to guard ourselves from ever allowing such offenses to happen to us again.

Clouded judgement, even unto those who are innocent and have absolutely nothing to do with what has happened in the past.

Yes it hurts. Yes, we may have been dealt a bad hand. Yes, the offender may have throw us under the bus. I ask, How many others have to suffer the repercussion of someone else's actions and behavior?

Let it go. Move on. Speak blessing over the one who has hurt you. Let justice be served in your spirit man for the Holy sake of God's Glory. The same Glory that hang on the cross for all of us who we're once alienated from God's Kingdom and righteousness.

God is ultimately wise. God knew people were capable of repeating the same mistakes over and over. He gave us a remedy for that....It is written. "How many times must I forgive, Lord. Seventy seven, Matthew 18:22."

Although it's not easy, it's certainly doable. God placed the seed of forgiveness, justice and mercy in our hearts.

So, when those times come that we get hurt, abused and offended, let's allow those seeds to flourish. In doing so, we'll maintain our God glow and our inner being will continue to allow God's requirement of us to shine through for all to see, not for others to see critical, bitterness and conversations of how good we were and how bad their were.

All have fallen short at one time or another..."If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us, 1 John 1:8.

p.s. It may be wise to retract our steps before pointing out faults of others. Someone can absolutely point out ours.

Blessing to all. And, Always Stay Encouraged.

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