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Learning to heal, trust and love again.

Many of us have been burned. Burned by our closest confidants. People that we've extended our love and trust to. People we've poured out our heart's concerns, and shared our personal business. Then one day.... BAM! You're secrets are out. Family secrets, your health situations, your financial problems and not to mention burdens of guilt and shame we may be carrying, thinking we are releasing ourselves and attempting to move forward.

What do you do when you have shared something with someone, helped someone out of a financial strain or thought you could trust someone with your most treasured possession, only to be smacked in the face, leaving you feeling like a fool, used, abused and taken for granted?

These things happen. They happen among family members, church members, co-workers and friends alike.

Circumstances such as these cause trust issues for the person who has been burned, slapped in the face and made a mockery of and often more times and than not, the person violated puts up a concrete wall, blocking out anyone who may be sincere in nature and has their best interest at heart.

There's no easy fix or stamped date of letting go or embracing the process of forgiveness when such things has happened. Yes, we must forgive and let go of any pain and harm that has been caused in order to heal, but it's not easy and most people who do forgive still hold on to the memories of what actually happened.

If such a situation has occurred in your life, here are a few suggestions that may help you along the way:

- Get as much of the facts as possible - Take time to fully process what actually happen - Accept the fact that you may have made a decision of poor judgement - Forgive yourself and pray for God's strength to forgive the individuals involved

Sometimes it's helpful to do a thorough personal inventory of yourself and allow yourself the confidence to trust others to be apart of your life without holding it against anyone else or blaming others for someone else's infraction.

Praying this was encouraging and the small bit of advice will help someone along the way. Blessings to all and Always, Stay Encouraged!

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