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TRANSCENDENCE, by: Valerie McDowell

Transcendence, by: Valerie McDowell

That first time I ventured into that West African dance class, I felt at home. My heartbeat instantly connected to the djembe as I moved my body unencumbered, freeing myself, lost in the cadence of the drums. My former stringent training in pointed toes and elongated limbs, effortlessly fell away into undulating hips and flexed stomps into the tarnished, wood floor.

The cares of the day, all the reports still needing to be done, the responsibilities to and for others, vanquished as I was transported to a destination where only I and the Source of all creativity reigned. The God of the Universe was summoning me in the drums. And in that call and response of the Master Drummer, I was finally at peace and one with my Creator.

The tempo of my heart was now racing with the drummers skillful thundering on the taut skin of the ancient gourd. I closed my eyes as I got low, lazily moving, escaping the frantic pace of my daily life, into the cleansing flow and reverberating movements, like the waves of the ocean cascading against the shore. Easy. Back and forth. Such perfect choreography. No missteps. Just delicate strides as I allowed myself to be gracefully guided into synchronicity with my partner. His arm extended, stretched towards me, pulling me so close; then suddenly propelling me to that place beyond reason and logic where ideas flow freely and time no longer exists. It is all light and joy and peace.

Abundance is all around me.

I came that you might have life. A more abundant life.

Take my yoke upon you. Learn of me.

My yoke is easy. My burden is light.

Illumination. Revelation. Oneness. Harmony.

O, to dance with my Creator.



Valerie McDowell, Contributing Writer at Nice Column by Shira

Valerie McDowell aka MadisonAveVal aka is a writer, playwright, editor and bibliophile.

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