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Don't Resist the Sandpaper

Don't Resist the Sandpaper

In life some people will be chainsaws, with every intention on hurting you and chopping you to pieces with their harsh words. However, other people just very well may be sandpaper and placed in your life to smooth out your rough edges and help to make you a better person.

Sometimes, the people that really love you may be "Sandpaper."

Their intentions are to help you and not harm you. Although their choose of words may be questioning and shave your emotions down to size a little, their overall motivation is to bless and not harm.

So don't disassociate with them just because they told you NO or went against your ideology. Someone who always tells you YES may not help to smooth you out. So avoid the chainsaws and Don't Resist The Sandpaper.

Until next time, this is Meo Brin bringing you a bit of inspiration for today!

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