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I gave her a piece of my mind. But, wait, we're Christians!

I gave her a piece of my mind. But, wait, we're Christians!

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Romans 12:18

It's not always easy to get along with everyone we encounter on a daily basis. Sometimes other people can tick us off - We fly off the handle and give that person a piece of our mind.

But, wait, we're Christians!

We can't be going around giving other people a piece of our mind, saying whatever we want, just because someone has said something we didn't appreciate.

Remember, the bible says "...Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you..." Matthew 5:45

Most of the time, this scripture is recalled back to our remembrance after we have said some things that we can no longer take back.

We snap, first.


Feel bad, then apologize after we're convicted and pricked in our spirit man of our wrong doing. Later, we feel disappointed in our own selves for allowing, once again, someone to get under our skin, pluck our nerves, and cause us to act out.

But, wait, we're Christians!

Shouldn't we be mature enough to handle confrontation?

Shouldn't we have learned from our first couple encounters, especially with the same person?

Not always! Some of us our still working on this shortcoming, even until this very day.

Admittedly, in the pass, I struggled with this command from our Lord and Savior. I had gotten sick and tired of other people, non-believers and believers, saying whatever they wanted to say to me, especially at work. family gatherings and church, thinking the devote little ole' Christian should just lower her head, be humble and accept whatever was said, without coming back at them.

Regardless of me being sick and tired of taking in someone else's stuff, the Lord wanted me to be at peace. He didn't want me to lash out every time. He wanted me to examine myself, the situation, and then react in a loving, mature and kind way.

Scriptures references to mediate on and gain insight and wisdom:
2 Timothy 2:23

Proverbs 20:3

Titus 3:9-11

Romans 14:1-23

James 4:1

After reading these scriptures, admittedly, it wasn’t always easy, but here are some of the things I did to resolve unwanted conflict.

1. I prayed that the Lord would give me the words to say, when approached in a crazy, argumentative or disrespectful way.

2. I considered the person whom I may consistently have confrontation with; learned their approach to conversations and certain topics of discussions, took a deep breath and “first” applied the scriptures noted above to the situation before I said anything I would regret.

3. I apologized first and explained that I would be more mindful of how I responded to them.

4. I kindly asked the person if we could talk about what was causing us to bump heads, consider coming to a reasonable agreement or understanding that wouldn’t cause our relationship to be so unapproachable toward one another.

5. I would particularly go out of my way to say a special prayer for that person, blessing them in all their ways.

6. I reexamined myself on a regular basis, searching to see if there was something in me that I saw in them and vice versa, that I felt irritable and offensive.

7. Finally, if these approaches didn't work out, and sometimes they don't, I avoided situations that I could just calmly walk away from and let the other person have the last word – this was the hardest. However, at that point, it didn't matter anyway. I couldn't change anyone, but, myself. I had come to the understanding and resolve, I loved peace and solace more than being right or wrong.

Although, there will always be that "Person who just doesn't want to get along", utilizing some of these resolves can be helpful, even if we have to jump straight to number 7 and say to ourselves.... Okay, whatever you say and walk away!

Plainly speaking.

Blessings to all, stay encouraged and keep shining for Jesus!

Additional Scripture Reference:

Matthew 5:45

Romans: 12:18

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