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It's All In Your Mind

It's All In Your Mind, Contributing Writer: Michael Wells

Writing to the church at Corinth Paul states this truth; "Evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good."

After we are saved we have a willingness to do what is right but there is a voice that still deceives us into sin and rebellion. Now I realize this is no great revelation to many of us but yet it initiates most if not all of our greatest personal defeats.

Which voice will we obey?

It is as simple and challenging as that. But that said still it's all in your mind! Your mind is the most powerful organ in your body. With it we can achieve the most noble of causes or design the cruelest of acts. Thoughts, actions and consequences.

We are responsible.

No mater the extenuating circumstances, unique situations or lack of will power we are held accountable for our actions. We are instructed over and over in the scriptures to renew our mind, to have the mind of Christ, to know the mind of God. Now how else do we know the mind of God but by reading the word of God.

Some would say this is merely brainwashing.

Well, truth be told our minds do need a washing so that when life's challenges confront us we can know the moral, ethical and godly course to take. Now that's when the other voice comes in and we are left with the decision. Paul wrote that no matter the temptation that comes to us God will provide for us a way of escape.

Temptation is only sin when acted upon.

Our debate is simple; do I obey and continue to have fellowship with God, hear His voice and feel His touch or do I disobey, lose the closeness, prayers not answered and wander aimlessly for a season or eternity?

One decision may affect us only for days but others can easily send us descending down a path for years. Redemption is always available with God but with man it's not so easy. Sometimes bridges are burned that can never be crossed again in the hearts of those wronged.

It is a consequence of actions but forgiveness can be the action to that consequence.

For forgiveness to be a way of life it has to be a daily process. When voices come we need to listen to the One that whispers, "Let it go, move on." We cannot go back and change things we can only repent or forgive. Life is too short to regret the past, despair our present or fear the future.

If we walk with God He has promised to daily lead us by His Spirit, provide for us by His abundance and when necessary carry us in His arms. The voice of His Presence to live this life as an overcomer in all things is uniquely ours as Christians.

It is a wealth of eternal riches and found only in one place and it's all in your mind.

Nice Column by Shira, Contributing Writer: Michael E. Wells

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