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What's Your Tarshish?

What's Your Tarshish?

Now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness has come up before me. Jonah 1: 1-2

Evidently God communicates to us many times. One thing about our God is that he desires a relationship with us. A unique characteristic of any relationship is that there is communication otherwise it would not see the light of day. God in His own might and glory wants to have a relationship with us by talking to us.

Like Jonah, we all hear from God. The greatest question is always what we do after hearing from Him.

God’s instructions are always systematic. Jonah was told, go to this city and cry against it. God will always give an instruction accompanied by an action. What if Jonah was told to go to the city without further instruction? It would have been easy for him since he knew there would be no trouble at all.

The action will always cause an emotion on the inside since it demands getting out of our comfort zones. The instruction is always go and preach, go and tell/warn, go and do this...

However, we do not get the doing part. We are afraid of what would happen if we did it.

Fear comes and cripples our faith so much that we look like fools. After the instruction we run away to Tarshish. We deviate from the calling of God and take the easy way out. We usually scramble for the ways that are wide enough to give us freedom. Tarshish is easy for most Christians. We do not get the opportunity to stand on the word of God and rely on Him only. It is true that each individual has a Tarshish, which to them sounds superb and great to travel to, but, the end goal is the vital one.

God sends a violent wind in our comfort zones.

Jonah experienced the sea storm and would not resist it. The truth is that you can run away but not for too long. Paul would be a murderer for the whole of his life but when it pleased God that he stands for Him, he had no choice.

Do not wait until you are thrown into the sea. Let the trials be enough to let you know that you are off-track. God does not need a lifetime to change your life, but only a one time experience. Avoid Tarshish and take the ship to Nineveh.

What is your Tarshish?

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