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Love and Holiness is a matter of the heart.

Love and Holiness is a matter of the heart. Columnist: Shira Garnett

God loves us and He wants us to come to Him just as we are.

Many think that they most be perfect in action and deed in order to gain God's approval and acceptance into the Kingdom of God. Hearing the word Holy or Holiness can really shake a person to their core, some believing that they have to stop everything that's not in complete harmony with the Word of God in order to present themselves before the Throne of Grace.

Absolutely. God desires for us to be Holy, for He is Holy.

By no means has anyone become fully mature in the things of God instantaneously. Sanctification is a process. Yes, some are still drinking milk and should be eating the meat. One's faithfulness, relationship and reverence for God's undying love "Grace" if sincere, will compel that individual to walk upright, clean and their good will not be evil spoken of.

God knows the intent and motivation of all.

He inputs His Word in our hearts and our minds by the power of Holy Spirit, so that it will not depart from us. This is the reason why we must read the Word of God and do what the Word of God instructs, fervently studying to show ourselves approved. Thus, our desire become Godly desires.

The Bible is the number one Book Seller of all time. No other book will ever compare to was written by God! Inspired by the His Spirit to chosen earthen vessels, that His Word would uplift, edify, encourage, make wise, rebuke and correct. The words in the Bible leap off the page, directly to our hearts and minds. Infallible. Rightly dividing the word of truth. The Bible uncovers the unadulterated truth of (the lie, Satan) and Truth (the very essence of Life - Jesus Christ) who is the way.

He, who's compassion, grace and mercy, understands the place that each and everyone of us is in, at every point of our lives.

Once Saved, we are welcomed into the Family of Faith. Our spirit man is perfect, yet our souls must be transformed into the Christ Like lifestyle. That is were our desire for change takes place. There's really no justifying why any of us should be at the same place spiritually, once saved.

Reading the Word daily, attending an ecclesia or gathering with other believers and hanging around with like minded people should catapult our lifestyle and mindset. We should be different, for goodness sake and not the same person we were when we initially gave our hearts to God. We must forward - from glory to glory. Holiness prevails!

May we all embrace God's purpose and will for lives. May we all come to the understanding of the knowledge of truth. Until that day arrives and we hear, "Well done my good and faithful servant."

Blessings to all and Always, Stay Encouraged!

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