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Accept the call on your life, it has everything to do with your destiny.

Columnist: Shira Garnett, Accepting the call on your life.

That day when the Lord calls you into Ministry work will be the day that will change your life forever. Some will have doubts. Anxiety may even play a part, we become reluctant to follow through with the call. Thoughts of past experiences spring up quickly. Feeling unqualified, unworthy, not Holy enough will be the attack on your mind the enemy uses to discourage you to move forward.

There is a wilderness experience that each one will go through for purging and sanctification. Often times, God will hide you in a cliff, shelter you from negative outside influences. Family and closest friends will not always see the vision, understand your commitment or the call that is on your life.

Even Jesus witnessed the unbelief of many for the call and sacrifice He made, as the Son of God...

55 "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?

56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?

57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.

58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief." Matthew 13:55-58(KJV)

No matter to what people say. Move forward. If you truly know that God has called you to minister to the lost, be a missionary to foreign countries, start a prayer group in your home, volunteer down at the local soup kitchen or clothes closet. Do it! Don't despise small beginnings. No one will ever start at the top.

God's way of bringing Glory to His name starts with an individual being faithful, humble and obedient to His call. Loving God more than the comfort-ability of one's current position and what people have to say. Quickly recognize and get over the enemy working through others to knock you off your square!

It will not be easy. You will sacrifice the most importance of things. You must give God everything. Something or even someone you hold dearly, that's apart of the sacrifice. You will lose friends. Family members will not be in your corner. And, you may be financially broke on a lot of days. Stay Encouraged. Take baby steps if you have to. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Most importantly, allow God to be God. Allow Him to fight your battles. If God qualified you, God is for you, no one can stop the call.

Man's arms has always been and always will be, to short to box with God!

Blessings to all and Always Stay Encouraged!

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