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Praise and Worship changes things.

Praise and Worship changes things.

There are some days that some of us go through the feelings of melancholy. For no apparent reason, we wake up with feelings of sadness, dejection or even in a depressive state. We can't quite point or finger on it, but we know something just aint right!

Often struggling to shake these un-wanted emotions, we fail to get a grip on whats actually causing us to feel the way we do. So we wrestle within ourselves throughout our day, going through the motions, never actually coming to a point of peace and solace.

When such experiences find themselves at the forefront of our hearts and minds, Praise, Worship and Thanksgiving is a highly suggestive cure.

Worshiping God through "Praise and Worship" will usher us into God's presence. Yes, God is ever present always, nevertheless, when we give of ourselves, totally surrendering to God and God alone, we forget about our troubles, our worries, our concerns, our un-sureties, Holy Spirit ushers us to the throne of grace and everything else we our experiencing erases it importance from our lives.

If you've never experienced such this is a strong suggestion. If you are experiencing this now and you desire to get out of that un-certain, uncomfortable, un-wanted funk, turn on some praise and worship music and began to "Praise and Worship" giving thanksgiving, to the One who has given us life, life to open up our mouths and do something about our situation.

Blessings to all and Always, Stay Encouraged!

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