Engaging in the Word ☕️ By: Minister Gail Adams
We recently had dinner with good friend of ours, Edwin and Dawn. During the meal, Edwin said, “Good dinner and great spiritual edification. Just could not get any better”. My husband said, “Hey, where two or three are gathered!” We all said in unison, “Jesus is here, Amen”! When our visit came to an end and we all were going our separate ways, I said, “We came together as dull blades, yet we depart as sharpen irons". On the ride home my husband commented, “While we love large gatherings, I believe a small gathering is our first love.
Not everyone feel the same about small groups though. I recently came across an article called, “Why Churches Should Euthanize Small Groups” Posted on http://Christiansstandards.com Read below a small excerpt taken from the article in support of their belief.
“Would Jesus join a small group in your church? Forget about all the supposed benefits of participating in one. Do you honestly think Jesus would join, lead, or start a small group within the existing structure of your small group’s ministry at your church? Of course not, not a chance. Not in a million years. Why? Because Jesus would actually be doing what small groups say they want/should/need to be doing, but they can’t, because they’re too busy being a “small group” inside the confines of your small group’s ministry infrastructure.”
WOW!! Talking about having a superiority complex, spirit of pride and a clear departure from what Jesus taught. “If anyone teaches another doctrine and disagrees with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and with godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing* (1 Timothy 6:3-4).
Jesus taught that wherever, whenever and for whatever reason we meet together, he is present in the midst of us.
For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20). Speaking for myself, it makes me happy and gives me peace knowing that in the tiniest assembly of His followers Christ is present.
*We should never be as scoffers and allow our personal preferences to develop into prejudices which tear down verses building each other up in the faith. “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow after their own ungodly desires.” They cause divisions, who are worldly and devoid of the Spirit. (Jude 1:19)
God does not look at the number of gatherers he looks at the motives of gatherers.
“All a person's ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the LORD” (Psalm 16:2). Our assembling together is for God’s divine purpose of edifying each other. “What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up” (1 Corinthians 14:26). After a good fellowship be it few or many gatherers, you should not leave the same way you came.
You may arrive as dull blades but you should leave as sharpen irons with firm resolves and strengthen hearts to accomplish his good work given through the Holy Spirit serving the needs of others in word, prayer, and deeds.
My prayer always is that we continue to grow in grace, truth, wisdom and walk in love towards one another. Help others benefit from this truth by sharing this message! God bless you.
©February2017 Gail Adams, Beaute' Naturelle, Pamela Johnson
"How beautiful it is for brethen to dwell together. May we all be reminding...Fellowship and Worship are a matter of the heart, not numbers. Thanks for this encouraging read, Gail. Blessings to you!