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Follow in the Footsteps of the Master

That, however, is not the way of life you learned when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:20-24 NIV

Follow in the footsteps of the Master

In our “older” lives, we were being corrupted by our deceitful desires. We did not notice this, though, until our hearts and souls were touched by the word of God. We did not truly realize how far away we were from the way Christ wanted us to live our lives.

To be made new in the attitudes of our minds, we must belong to Christ. We cannot escape the deceit and desires of this world unless we belong to Christ. We must truly put on a new self, so much different from the one we were before. We must be willing to sacrifice of ourselves, that others may have. We must relinquish our will to that of God. “My will be done” is replaced with “Thy will be done.” Each day we follow in the footsteps of the Master, giving of ourselves, being that servant of all, just as our Master did.

Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our deeds must be that of righteousness and holiness. Keep in mind, that this is only accomplished through the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. We cannot do it of our own will. Let us all be true vessels of the Lord.

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