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Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord

Columnist: Deborah Esther Nyamekye "Prepare Ye The Way of The Lord

Lost, he found me, bound he set me free. He was hanged on a tree and became a curse for me.

I am a new creation a Bride adorned and armed for action awaiting her groom the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

With nations’ saints I join in worship of our King. He who sits on the throne who said “Behold I make all things new”1

We set our hopes on the New Jerusalem, The tabernacle of God with men “coming down...out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband”2

In joyful anticipation, we await the streets paved with precious stones and God’s comfort and peace of this Jerusalem,

yet unknown.

We heed to Father’s call to prepare the Way of

The Lord; calling men out of sin into Jesus’ salvation realm,

to hope for life in the

New Jerusalem.

Clothed in battle array

in the harvest fields

on the narrow Way,

our feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.

Our mouths are filled with the

Word of God, inviting multitudes

where we go:

“Come all who hunger and thirst, come eat and drink, get ready for the King of Kings! Make way for the Lord of Lords!

Cry out “Come Lord Jesus, Come!”

©Deborah E. Nyamekye 03/04/2016

Scriptural inspiration: Is. 40:3-5, Rev 21:1-7, Rev. 22:17-20, Is.55:1-2 Quotes: 1. Rev. 21:5 (KJV), 2. Rev. 21:2 (KJV)


​Human Life, Racial & Social Justice:

Deborah’s Amazon Author page:

Ready Writer’s Manna from on High Blog:

Bearwitness-Forerunner Ministries Int. Website:

©Deborah E. Nyamekye 2/12/2015

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