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Just In Case You Think You're Not Known

Just In Case You Think Your Not Known

I was talking with the Lord While walking along the beach My mind was focused on troubles Lately He had seemed out of reach

"I understand the world's a big place" I said "You've got to deal with more important things I'm just a speck in the universe You're so busy with better scenes"

At that moment Jesus stopped He looked at me with concern and affection His eyes spoke of unending love When I had been expecting rejection

He bent down to the ground He started writing numbers in the sand He finished writing and stood next to me Then the Lord spoke as he took my hand

"The first number represents your steps I know exactly how many you've walked The next one is the words you've spoken I know exactly how many you've talked

After that your hair is numbered I know exactly how many are on your head I can tell you how many you've lost," He smiled "But I knew you'd like this number instead

The next one shows all of your trials How many times you called out for me by name The blank space next to it is how many times you didn't need to No matter what I was going to be with you all the same

I know everything about you my child I know every trial that you are going through I wouldn't have allowed them into your life If I wasn't going to be right there next to you"

I had the greatest sense of peace Jesus knew how to calm all my fears I then felt a feeling of dread It was all I could do to fight back tears

"You know everything about me Lord That means you know all of my sin How many times I've slipped in the past How many times I'll do it again"

Jesus smiled as he motioned to the ground I noticed the hole in his outstretched hand "My precious child, what sin?" As He pointed to a cross He had already drawn in the sand

Just In Case You Think Your Not Known

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