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Who are you rollin' with?

Who are you rollin' with?

We all heard it before “Guilty by association”!

No matter how much we may want to justify hanging out with certain people, that have certain behaviors, and, we say we are not affected by what they do, we’re actually putting up invisible blindfolds for ourselves.

Judging someone is one thing, but having wise judgement pertaining to a given situation, is something entirely different.

For many years, I was on a whirlwind of “Doing my own thing”.

It didn’t matter whether or not I knew the company that I was keeping didn’t always have my best interest at heart. In fact, they weren’t even aware of their very own actions and how they were bringing grave harm to their own selves.

Family members, caring friends and other confidants who truly demonstrated genuine integrity toward me, would bring certain things to my attention, and my response almost always followed with a resounded - “Stop judging people”!

No matter what form of sound advice I received, I went about doing my own thing.

I’m sure I don’t have to mention all of my regrets, setbacks and failures. Admittedly, these crazy choices that I made were in my younger years, nevertheless, some of my choices still carry on to this day.

Ladies, I’m sure you can relate to that boyfriend you may have had back in a day and suddenly out of the blue he pops up.

You see how his life choices has dealt him and you say to yourself, “What in the world was I thinking, or, even going through, that made me want to fall head over hills for this guy. And still, he’s doing the same ole’ things, expecting different results. Truly Cray Cray!

Gentlemen, what about that crowd you may have hung out with and even to this day, most of the guys are still hanging out at the same places, doing the same thing, with the same thoughts, and the same behaviors - hardly anything at all has changed in 20 years.

Now I knew we have to go through things to grow through things, but let’s be honest with ourselves. If nothing changes, nothing changes.

This goes hand in hand with some of us, even today.

Many may be stuck in a situation, no one truly has to even point it out to us, we need a change. We’re not using better judgement! We’re holding on to this false illusion that somehow, someway, the situation is going to change for the better.


Honestly, let’s tire from lying to ourselves. Being in total denial about what’s happening and what’s really going on.

Now sometimes the hardest pill to swallow is…. We’re the ones who are the bad influences.

We’re the ones that need change.

We’re the ones that are co-dependent.

We’re the ones that can’t see the forest for the trees.

We’re the ones that others are saying, stay away from.

Yes, sometimes it’s You or I that have the problem and needs fixing. Whatever the case, grown people have to be accountable for their actions and behaviors and sooner or later our actions will catch up with us.

Personally, I found that my presence and commitment as an individual to others could never be positive, nurturing, or of good intent, without the help and guidance from a Supreme Being.

Growing out of something and maturing takes more work, than time.

We must take personal inventories of ourselves, examine ourselves daily and seek guidance, direction, wisdom and much forgiveness from the only one who is able to change us from the inside out - The Lord Jesus Christ.

We cannot do it all by ourselves.

Yes, we have to be willing to accept change. but the conditioning comes from within. Our innermost being has to be reconciled unto the Only One who can take us from Glory to Glory.

For It is in the Lord that we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28.

Desiring to be the offspring in whom we totally trust - May we always desire to be like Jesus Christ.

Christ is the perfect example of a friend, brother, leader, confidant, and example of how we should conduct ourselves at all times.

So, if any of us are confused or in doubt about the people that we rolling with, please keep this in mind

Do not be misled, “Bad company corrupts good character.”

I Corinthians 15:33

Blessings to all and Always Stay Encouraged!

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