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Truth, Lies and Everything in Between

Truth, Lies and Everything in Between, Author: Shira Garnett, Nice Column by Shira

Replicating your life to follow someone else’s formula of “How to do this and How to do that” is hard work!

Attempting to follow the 5 ways of this, the 12 steps to that, and not to mention, the keys to unlocking such and such, can cause a person to constantly question and doubt themselves.

If you’re not careful, you may find yourself in a cat race, running around chasing your own tail or liken to a mouse on a wheel that goes round and round…. yikes Jane, stop this crazy thing!

Did I complete this correctly? Did I put up enough effort in this particular area? Perhaps I didn’t follow through the recommended process in a timely manner!

I mean, does this stuff really work? Is it even humanly possible to have proven results or answers for everything?

Although, guidance and mentor-ship from those who have proven themselves accomplished in the area’s in which we may be striving to achieve offer helpful instruction and sometimes sound advice, however, we are still spiritually natured individuals.

As such, we all have our own gifts, talents and abilities that ONLY God can lead and instruct.

Wouldn’t it be safe to conclude, this form of constant instruction from overnight “Get Rich Quick Schemes, Society Choice Picks and Worldly Sources of Proven Facts” can get tedious and exhausting, to say the least!

I’m convince, Apostle Paul was spiritually on point when we penned the verse….

”For we dare not make ourselves of the number or

compare ourselves with some that commend themselves:

but they measuring themselves by themselves,

and comparing themselves among themselves,

are not wise. 2 Corinthians 10:12”

There was a time when I looked for those things outside of myself to validate my self-worth, my measuring stick to achievement and worldly accomplishment. External hope was my plum-line and keeping up with the Jones’ meant I had to do a lot of compromising.

This compromising didn’t keep me happy, nor did it produce any substantial spiritual growth.

That rat race became overwhelming, costly and severe depression would have been my fate had I not decided to search God’s Word to find His true meaning, vision and purpose for my life.

Yes, I knew that leading lost souls to Christ was the Christian thing to do. I knew that encouraging others, helping out those less fortunate and being ready in season and out…to pray for others, was instructed in the Bible for those of the Faith.

Nevertheless, those acts of grace, commitment and charity really didn’t take much from me, as this was a practice I witnessed and conformed to from childhood.

When it came down to my professional career, even in the Faith Based Community, I felt I should follow the steps of those who were at the place that I desired to be. Only to find myself, on my knees praying for forgiveness for self-willing my own destiny and doing my own thing.

This was a time in which I blamed everyone and everything else, as the reasons, I didn’t successfully accomplish what I sought out to master.

Yes, my eyes were wide shut and only the spirit of God was able to bring true clarity and purpose to my misery.

I have come to realize…. reading, listening and subscribing to those things that have some similarities to that which God has gifted, called and instilled vision in me, can be enlightening, educational and assist in my professional development.

However, by no means, does such, substitute Divine instruction, knowledge or understanding.

A man’s heart deviseth his way:

but the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Getting absolute proven tools, keys, steps and ways to master true success, starts and ends with the B-I-B-L-E, Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

It is there that we have the power to lay a sound foundation to build upon. It is in God’s Word that we’re guaranteed ultimate growth and achievement.

Praying this read brings encouragement and will lighten the heavy load of societies standards, plum-lines and measuring sticks, concerning success.

Blessings to all and Always Stay Encouraged!

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