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A Million Thoughts Go Through My Head

A Million Thoughts Go Through My Head

This sickness and disease It's shaking me to the core It went from a inner peace To a panic that I can't ignore

My blood starts to boil I can feel it in my veins My brain starts to toil On how to get out of this pain

My heart beats out of my chest I'm pacing and dripping with sweat My brain that was dull and depressed Is now overcome with irrational fret

I clench my fists and try to scream But my lungs don't have the air This is worse than my worst bad dream If anything else matters I'm unaware

My eyes are darting left and right Searching for the source of the fear There's no one around, no one in sight I'm by myself and have my own ear

I think that I'm about to crack My mouth has turned dry I feel like I'm having a heart attack This is it, I'm about to die

A Million Thoughts Go Through My Head

A million thoughts go through my head Is there anything that I can do? I know for sure that I'm on my deathbed When I hear "Peace be with you"


Out of nowhere I feel my thoughts slow My heart beats slower as I focus on the voice I see no one but I'm overcome by a warm glow I feel God's presence and I want to rejoice

"My child there's something you need to hear You tend to forget that I'm always with you There's nothing out there you have to fear Nothing that I can't or won't get you through

You are a temple that my spirits inside The Fathers eye watches you like a spotlight I'm always there and will never leave your side Tell me, have you any reason for fright?

Focus on me and my grace will always suffice Besides this my child, why do you fear death? You know that you will be with me in paradise The instant that you take your final breath"

©Matthew Haflett

Matthew Haflett, A Million Thoughts Go Through My Head

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