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What to say when your caught off guard

What to say when your caught off guard

“Tell me a little bit about yourself!” This was the question posed to me and to be frankly honest, it caught me off guard.

Although the person asking the question was someone that I respected, almost daily, I interacted with and they had every right in doing so, nevertheless, this question startled me a little.

All of us have a story to tell. We are all equally important as the next person. They’re “No Big I’s and little you’s “that anyone of us should compare ourselves to. So why did I feel like I was put on the spot?

Naturally, this sort thing occurs during the time of an interview for a job, or given a short bio or even a brief description of oneself when filling out a questionnaire or maybe even at a speaking engagement.

However, when we are not formally prompted for such a personal reflection, it can through a curve ball or monkey wrench in the game!

Most of our responses would normally start out something like this….

Well, I graduated from a technical High School in Worton, Md. After graduation, I went off to trade school and later attended a community college. Upon obtaining my associates degree, I decided to take on a job in the Non-Profit sector and later returned to college to further my education….

You catch in gist!

I mostly certainly can stand corrected, but, most people will not give a full blown depiction of all the in’s and out’s, the bumps in the road and setbacks along the way.

Naturally, we want to set a positive note and healthy overview of our accomplishments and achievements, setting the stage for an outstanding resume’ of “Who we are.”

What to say when your caught off guard

No Sir Ree Bob, I will not be giving up any gut level honesty from the door! I mean, who really knows who, and, why would I just come right out and tell you all of my secrets.

This was my attitude when I was originally asked the question.

I wanted to bury all of the negative things that had happened in my life. I didn’t want to be transparent. Regardless of my fact that sharing my personal experience could open the door for a very open and honest interaction with the individual questioning me.

As much as I tried to keep back all my secrets, the Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart. JUST BE HONEST. Share your story.

Father God did not bring you through and out of your most adverse situations in life just for you to bury your testimony. Give the Father His Glory!

Startled by the echoes of grace and mercy that were resonating inside my heart, I began to share and become naked about my past mistakes, my experience with domestic violence. My overwhelming desire for gambling. My molestation as a child,

And, as time went by, I eventually shared my feeling and emotions about all I had experienced.

A sigh of relief, I had finally allowed myself the opportunity to be transparent. The person asking the question now had a natural, clear and graceful background of who I was and I was finally free to be me.

From that point on, I would be understood for who I was and what the Lord has done for me. I was set free to be me!

Realizing that the Lord was with me during the whole conversation, I was lost but now I’m found, would have been the simplest response to this question.

Talking about this has definitely liberated me, God’s grace has stepped in.

However, the funniest thing about this whole conversation “Tell me a little bit about yourself,” is, I was actually having it with you!

Thanks for the interview!

God Bless and may we all have the courage to be transparent when given the opportunity to do so. Who knows, your transparency could actually help someone else.

Blessings to all and Always Stay Encouraged!

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