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Color Your World Beautiful

Color Your World Beautiful

Growing up in a small town has its advantages, however, on the other hand, not so much. For me, Chesapeake City, MD was a place right smack down, “in the middle of somewhere,” yet, if you closed your eyes longer than 2 minutes, you’d soon be entering a whole different small town, “in the middle of somewhere!”

I say somewhere, because, as remote as a place can be, it is still, somewhere!

Chesapeake City, groomed and built on the pride of famous race horses, beautiful stables that housed them, wholesome and traditional values that were passed down from generation to generation and the simplicity of life!

Although this small town possessed such innate purity and goodness, it bore No public transportation, No hospital and No supermarket, or any other industrialize structure or system, for those who resided.

In fact, many people grow-up without indoor plumbing systems. Yes, that remote! However, looking back, I still smile, having had the opportunity to be sheltered from all the mayhem and busyness of city living.

However, allow me to share the flip side of this quaint little place.

Where will I work? How could I possibly make it here? What will become of my life, if I get stuck here? These questions plagued my mind, my entire teenage years. I definitely knew, I didn’t want the struggle or headache of biding and constant resume’, for the job of housemaid or stable keeper, since everyone in the whole town look forward to doing so, knowing, nepotism, was also at the for-front of most of the decisions made.

Needless to say, I decided to color my world beautifully, in spite of all the hindering obstacles that I faced.

Today, I write! Finding beauty in this line of work, I have the opportunity and pleasure of finding inspiration and encouragement in each letter I pen to paper. Although, not always easy, God has given me the wisdom to express insight from the things that I have experienced and put them in a form of inspiration for others to read.

What I didn’t realize back then, seems to be very apparent to me now. Whatever God had given me to do, if I did it in the Name of His Grace and Power, all would be well with my soul.

I do understand more clearly as I have matured and grown up that, it doesn’t always matter where we reside or what the situation is, with a pure heart and an obedience to His purpose for our lives, we can make it.

If there’s anyone who has ever had doubts of whether or not, they can make it from where they are, Stay Encourage and keep believing in your dreams, All things are possible.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

Blessing to all and Always Stay Encouraged!

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