Author: Dian Lebrin
Domestic violence does not have a face. That prosperous, well-dressed, charismatic businessman who contributes heavily to the church funds is just as likely to be an abuser as the drunken wife beater. That woman from a prominent family is just as likely to be a victim of abuse as the woman whose home address is well-known by the local police department.
One (1) out of four (4) women is currently participating in an abusive relationship, has been in an abusive relationship, or will be in an abusive relationship. Studies have shown that at least two (2) women will lose their lives daily at the hands of an abuser.
Domestic violence is not only physical, it can be emotional, psychological, sexual, financial, or any combination thereof. This is the story of Dian LeBrin, a woman, who like many others, was a victim of domestic violence. Realizing that her life and the life of her daughter were in danger, she left the abusive relationship for a better life.
Follow Dian on her journey through hatred and unforgiveness as she walked with God to become a free woman.