Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul and Silas said was true. (Acts 17:11)
After hearing Paul and Silas messages the Bereans exhibited the appropriate attitude that all hearers of the word would do well to practice. While they received the word eagerly they still investigated, examined, and judged the teachings received ensuring what they heard was not contrary to scripture about Jesus.
Unlike the other Jews who believed not and raised an uproar after Paul and Silas for three Sabbath days reasoned with them from the Scriptures (Acts 17: 1-10), the Bereans did not become argumentative, angry, or combative in their pursuit to discern and confirm truth from error. With a genuine need to be taught aright they searched and studied the scriptures daily to determine if the interpretations put before them were true.
The Berean Jews standard of fact checking teachings with scripture is a routine that all believers would do well to practice. Their approach to testing the spirit with scripture demonstrates that we have a responsibility to study messages put forth by leaders and officers of the church and determine if the one bringing forth the word is not speaking in error or mixing truth with error that would cause malignant or very dangerous or harmful influence or effect to precious souls relying on them to preach the Gospel truth.
There is no denying that many Christians whether seasoned or new to the faith can be very gullible to the degree of accommodating virtually anything that is taught them without so much of attempting to confirm if it is true or not. We should follow the way of the Bereans to investigate and “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
Sadly, we have many in Christendom, laymen, laywomen, and spiritual leaders alike who take the position it is improper to challenge or question their teachings. However, we are cautioned to: "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (I Thessalonians 5:21). Again, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (I John 4:1).
Any person who is honest should not oppose his or her teachings being checked by the scriptures to determine whether those things they preach are not contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If one is guided by the Holy Spirit preaching truth they should welcome and not object to their teachings being "tried" by the word of God.
Nonetheless, the reality of the matter is many become quite combative when their teachings are questioned or challenged by someone using scripture or scriptures. Quite combative pulling out the boxing gloves. Oooh child things are going to get messy….. You may say, "We do not have believers who become combative, when their preaching or and teachings are challenged or questioned.”*
Well, CAREFULLY read the quote posted by a Christian in Google + a few weeks ago and judge for yourself.
“I sure run into this daily on Google+ a lot of dead faith new testament only Christians. They are deceived and truly working every evil work professing themselves to be wise they have become extremely foolish. You'll be able to spot them immediately. They are disobedient and have zero understanding and application of the scriptures. Usually they teach contradiction and try to pass that off as wisdom. Case and point: they are allowed to eat anything they want. By simply praying over it makes it acceptable for them to eat but God sanctified all foods in Leviticus teaching us what is clean and holy to be eaten. Dead faith indeed. Everything God says to do they want no part of it. First day of the week Sunday worship, defiling themselves with unclean foods, they have eradicated the laws and commandments of God. Truly dead faith indeed. What's even worse. These deceived people will tell you who walk in complete obedience to the whole of God's word that you lack understanding. Talk about the turning of things upside down. Truly dead faith. Peace Beloved Friends!”
WOWZERS!! When reading this quote all I hear is, “Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!” This statement is a good example of corrupt communication as it certainly does not demonstrate godly behavior, lacks light failing to bring glory to God, offers no opportunity to reason together, and does not brings grace to the hearers. “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear,” (Ephesians 4:29). If the world observe Christians having problems reasoning and discussing the bible together, neglecting the understanding that we know in part and prophesize in part our witness has become ineffective. OUR WITNESS HAS BECOME INEFFECTIVE!
God requires that we be mindful of our attitude when dealing with each other under any circumstances. Luke 6:31 records the words of Christ where he said, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Applying this truth and being obedient to his word it should be the basic understanding that as believers we must not be hateful, argumentative, or angry, when confronting those teaching contrary to scripture or to those testing our messages against scripture.
After all, our Lord and Savior Jesus warned us to beware of false prophets [teachers] (Matthew 7:15-23; 24:11-28). Interestingly, when we think of false teachers we immediately think of cults or other faiths dissimilar to Christianity. Yet, Christendom is inundated with false teachers distorting and taking the Bible out of context to support ungodly behaviors.
Many believers quote what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:9, “For we know in part and we prophesy in part,” but fail to understand and apply the truth of his statement making their opinions contrary to the teachings of Christ the dominate belief and will jump down your throat when you question what they write or say. However, each believer has been called to:
(1) “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15)
(2) To identify false teachers. Jesus said “they are recognized by their fruit” (Matthew 12:33) and most importantly, “Speak the things that are consistent with sound doctrine.” (Titus 2:1)
We should all ask ourselves the following questions when we personally teach, preach or listen to those teaching the word or after reading a gospel message:
(1). Does this preacher or teacher's writings or sermon exhibit spiritual qualities that glorify the Lord? "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:15-16)
(2). Does this preacher or teacher teach the gospel of Jesus Christ or another Gospel in place of what Jesus told us to preach to the world? "Go into the entire world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)
Look, the gospel entails more than the good news concerning Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a set of guiding principle or doctrines given to him by the Father who told him to share it with all mankind. “There is a judge for the one who rejects Me and does not receive My words: The word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. I have not spoken on My own, but the Father who sent Me has commanded Me what to say and how to say it,” (John 12:48-49).
The Apostle John in (2 John 2: 9-11) understanding Jesus directive to teach his doctrine, told believers, “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him Godspeed; for he that biddeth him Godspeed is a partaker of his evil deeds.” Many Christians calling themselves preachers, teachers, and prophets, dismiss messages that take scripture out of context passing them up without correction on a daily basis resulting in them floating around like a bad stink causing others to stumble.
Likewise, Christians admiring a teacher, pastor or preacher to the point, that when they fall into biblical error may overlook the error because of their admiration for that person(s). This is very dangerous, and can lead to Christians neglecting their duty to address incorrect doctrine taken contrary to the Gospel of Jesus and thus they please men not God becoming the servants of men and not the servants of Christ (Gal. 1:10).
Since we are instructed to, “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction,”I put forth that it would be blatant biblical neglect to overlook the scriptural error stated in the aforementioned quote by our Christian brethren. Keeping Old Testament dietary laws, debating over which day to celebrate Sabbath and calling Christians names who oppose this teaching is contrary to the teachings of Christ and should be corrected as to protect those new to the faith.
Turning a blind eye to those preaching and teaching biblical error because of admiration for the person(s), or because you will appear to be confrontational, or due to fear of intimidation and backlash should make you give pause and reconsider your calling. The Apostle James said, “Not many of you should be teachers my brothers, knowing that we will receive greater judgment” (James 3:1) . Therefore we should not perform our duty of correction negligently knowing we are held to a greater judgment.
If the Bereans were highly praised for analyzing what was preached to them, then we ought to do the same for all preachers, teachers, and prophets no exception.
We should do as the Bereans and set about to read and digest scripture for truth and Never blatantly accept messages contrary to the doctrine of Christ as the Apostle John cautioned in (2 John 2: 9-11).
To God Be The Glory!

Blessings to you also ❤