When negative situations in our life arise, will we choose to run from our problems? Or will we choose to run to God with our problems?
The difference between the chase and pursuit can get all too real when the situation we face becomes more than we are mentally equipped to handle. Our problems chase us when we are running from them, leaving us worn out and tired. Feelings of fear and exhaust come only natural when we are running away in the physical, so how much more in the mental, or even deeper on a spiritual level.
The very situations that break us to the core, are the very situations that build us from our core. What determines what will be the result of the situation is the perception you choose to take. The very essence of if you live or die is lodge in this very decision you choose to me make. Ultimately, no matter how fast we run or far we get, the problems will eventually catch up.
But now if we choose to run to God with our problems:
1. All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. {Romans 8:28}
No matter what situation arises there is a certain type of victory and greater purpose that will arise- and that's a guarantee!!
2. For my yoke is easy to bear, and my burden is light. {Matthew 11:30}
God will take your load that was once so heavy for you to carry. He will provide you rest and restoration in the process. He will repair any trauma and injuries sustained, and you will move forward with freedom- and that's a guarantee!!
3. Cast your Burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be moved {Psalms 55:22}
In your weakness, in your exhaustion, your fear and doubt, God steps in and replace everything that was lost and restores you 100 fold. So far past all you could ever believe or even imagine- and that's a guarantee!!
So do you choose to run from your problems? Or will you run to God with your problems?
Thanks be to God, you have been delivered and set free! Yes, resting in the assurance that the Lord is always on our side is soooo good! Keep shining, sis!
Thanks Shira, I was doing this in my life a lot until I realized i did not have to bear my burdens by myself. Its was such a freeing process to know I have a source where I could rest. I could be safe, and know I was not alone. Its one of the best feelings in the world!
What a thought provoking read, Carla. This is true. For a long time I did this, until one day I realized, I was actually running from myself. It is important for each of us to face our fears, pursue our God given call and trust that the Lord,,,who have called us for His will and purpose will carry us through! Thanks for sharing, Carla. This read will help encourage, inspire and spiritually educate those who take the opportunity to prose.