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The New Elephant In The Room: Black Lives Matter

The New Elephant In The Room: Black Lives Matter

In today's society and the environment of which we live, life has caused us to face many challenges. Some challenges we choose to accept, others we choose to work through and others we choose to ignore.

On this current road we are traveling, there has been a new stumbling block that seems to have many in an uproar about whose life is more significant.

In a time of innovative technology, America is seeing more injustices than they have ever wanted to admit that were happening to citizens who have been murdered and killed for just being of a different ethnic group.

How can we, as Christians, justify the injustices of humanity when it has been carried out by those who we are to seek protection and to seek service from.

Today I want to charge every Christian to search deep within your heart and ask the question of God, "what is that entity that causes me to judge a situation when I haven't looked at the situation through the spirit of God's eyes?

The new elephant in the room is the new Civil Rights Movement known as : Black Lives Matter (BLM). This movement is taking this nation and other countries by storm and by surprise.

This movement in no way has stated nor claims that all human life does not matter; however what it states and is declaring to every African American and every African American community that the lives of black men and women matter to us and we are concerned with the loss of life that continues to rip through our communities, destroy the community in which we live, and devastates the families who have been impacted by the injustices that continue to happen and no justice is obtained to those who commit such atrocities.

Within the "BLM" movement, all human life matters to those who truly carry out the mission that has been established. However, as Christians, if we set on the other side of our human existence and began to feel empowered and make a statement that 'All Lives Matter' as a way to take the focus off of the injustices that we, as African Americans see every day, then I say to you this:

What is it about the "Black Lives Matter" anthem do you not like? This message is not to exclude or include other cultures; it merely brings an awareness to the community in which we as African Americans live.

Here is a scenario I want you to really evaluate: within my family in the past month we have lost a few loved ones from pancreatic cancer. Our goal, as a family, is to bring awareness about the silence of this disease and the steps to avoid this from happening to another loved one. So hypothetically speaking, we have chosen the statement 'Pancreatic Cancer Matters'. Does this message declare that Breast Cancer doesn't matter? That Prostate Cancer doesn't matter?

No, it is as simple as this: currently this is a disease that we have watched and seen remove many of our loved ones from labor to reward. Do we want to see a cure for pancreatic cancer? Most definitely we do! Does it suggest that we don't want to see a cure for breast cancer or prostate cancer, or even lung cancer. In your heart of hearts, the answer is a resounding "No".

We are made aware of the very entity that has caused us to lose many of our loved ones and we are researching to see how much research is being done to cure pancreatic cancer. We simply can't put a band-aid over the issue that we face, we must find a way to bring awareness, discover a cure, and petition whatever organization is responsible to ensure this the disease is being addressed.

So in my final response regarding Black Lives Matter, we no longer want to see the band aid of All Lives Matter placed over the movement which clearly highlights the injustices that are transpiring in our country again and again to many black, brown and beige lives.

We want justice, we demand justice and by our firm foundation, which is based on Jesus, the Christ, JUSTICE WE SHALL RECEIVE!

This is my personal view on the BLM movement and the interpretations by others may not be similar to mine. If we truly believe the statement we make of 'All Lives Matter' than there should be no problem or judgment about whether black lives matter in America.

All humanity is important to God, there is no one race of people who are higher than another. God created all men equally. If we remember the words of Jesus Christ, we would not place ourselves in a position of greatness, when the word clearly states: "all have sinned".

In your spiritual mind is there still a new elephant in the room?

In His Grace,

Ursala A. Garnett

The New Elephant In The Room: Black Lives Matter, written by Ursala Garnett

Author: Ursala Garnett, The New Elephant in the Room, Black Lives Matter

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